7 things to do in this winter to stay healthy and fit

It is not time to say winter is here as it has already arrived and that dropping temperature is the evidence. Winters are one of the most romantic seasons of the year and people enjoy and wait for this season to come and flourish with a beautiful atmosphere, magnificent mornings and eye-catching sunsets. Well, here is a precaution for all winter lovers. You need to stay alert when it comes to health in winter as it is the most vulnerable season for people with low immunity and sensitive to season change. 

There are many people you must have seen around you falling sick in winters. Some of the common diseases are flu, cough and cold. People with indigestion disorders might feel nauseous and other gastrointestinal issues. In addition to that, some people also don’t feel good and active due to chilling mornings and evenings. Well, it is really important to take care of your health and stay active and fit in this winter and we will discuss some of the tips to make you healthy and fit this season. 

Let’s discuss some of the tips here. 

Diet-related tips

1. Less intake of carbs 

Do you really love those delicious rice bowls and bread? There is a scientific explanation for this. When you eat more carbs in winter, your mind raises the production of serotonin that makes you think that you are full now. During the day, your hunger for carbs will increase and you will end up eating more.


The best way to counter this is to add protein to your breakfast. Add egg whites, protein powder or any other protein-rich foods in your breakfast and start the day. Your carbs cravings will slow down and still, you will feel energetic and active.

2. Add omega 3 fatty acids in your plate 

Being one of the healthier fats, omega 3 fatty acids are naturally found in fish, nuts and plant seeds and offer some valuable nutrients to the body. It is anti-inflammatory and also helps in feeling good if you are suffering from depression. Just add something rich in omega 3 fatty acids and see the magic. 

omega 3 fatty acids

3. Eat fibre rich foods

Though fibre-rich foods are hard to digest, winter makes it easy for the body to absorb fibres easily. That’s why you should add more foods that are rich in fibres. It also boosts your immune system and reduces inflammation. For seniors suffering from blood pressure and diabetes, eating fibre-rich foods is a great way to control their pressure and diabetes.

fibre rich foods

4. Go green 

There is a huge number of green vegetables and fruits available in the market, especially during winter. Go green. Add green vegetables and fruits in your diet and just go for it. These vegetables and fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins and will satisfy your daily nutrient needs easily. Go for spinach, kale, Swiss chard, carrots, oranges, grapes and other foods and stay healthy.

 Go green

Fitness related tips 

5. Hit the gym now 

No matter whether you are not among people who don’t see the rising sun every day. Winters are best if you want to make a fit and healthy body. Lose those extra inches now by taking a membership at the gym. Lift some weights and add cardio exercises to get muscle weight and lose fat. If you don’t have a gym in your area, do some exercises at homes such as pull-ups, pushups, planks and others.


6. Go for jogging 

Winters inspire you to go for physical activities and jogging is the best amongst all. Wear your shoes and jogging track, play your favourite track on your music device and just leave the home. Jog for 4 to 5 km for at least r days a week and you will see the difference. It does not just make your mood right, jogging also helps you to strengthen your heart muscle. There is nothing to lose here except for your sleep. Well, the benefits you get are unparalleled.


7. Make a fitness goal and stick to it 

The best time to improve your stamina and fitness levels is wintertime. If you are a lazy person who doesn’t like to work out, you can make a plan and stick to it. Write down your fitness goals for the 4 months of winter and work accordingly. Stick to your goal plan stubbornly and you will surely be able to follow them. You might miss for a few initial days to follow the plan regularly, but after some time, you will become habitual to the plan. Stick to the plan for at least four months of the winter.

fitness goal

Follow these tips and stay healthy and fit in this winter. Remember, before you make any dietary or workout related changes, consult a good doctor first.

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